Saturday, September 04, 2004

love and family

today, my teacher has asked us about what are the thing that can make us happy? he gave us a lot of choices such as money, prestige,power,family, love,etc and we only could cj\hoose one.
to me the most important things in life which can make us happy is love, without love,life will be so dull,life would be a lor\t of jealousy ,hate,envy etc. money cannot buy love, why? love is just like a pure thing which can hurt us and also can make us happy. it is just depend on us, in what point of view we look at the meaning of love.In some certain situations, love could buy love but could it be a true/pure love which exists just because there is alove? or is it exist just because of something?
if love exists just because a person wants to gain something from others, that is not a true love and it wont last long, and the outcome of it wont be good.
if one wants tp do something just do it with love and definetely the outcome will be better than a person whop does something without love.Love is the purest things in this world but it can be very dangerous, dangerous in the sense that it wont hurt us physically but mentally, so becareful when dealing wu\ith love.
to my teacher opinion, love is the basic of everthing, love can buy evrthing. At first it doesnot make sense for me, but after his explanation, i think what he has said is true.

he does not believe in friendship forever which i think is quite true as friends may not last forever, people may be separated just because of something.The sentence "friendship forever" is nonsense as it only exists in words not the actions. That is his opinion and he thinks that familt is the most important. I agree with him but just because i want to argue with him so i choose friends.
friends may not always be there for you , they may be there when u are happy only or when problems that u have do not have effects on their life. on the other hand family is there for you as long as u want. just let me tell u one of the example,touch wood, lets say one have a car accident, are u going to call ur friends or family? and at that time, ur friends have their final examinations (important). on the other hand ur parents have a meeting which is very important which involves billions dollars and it also must be settled at that time too. just think who is going to turned down their important things and look after u? ur parents rite?

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