Saturday, September 18, 2004

feelings and logics

It is said that women use feelings to deal with problems ,on the other hand men use logics to solve problems. Is that true?
My teacher has given me one of the example, why does a woman cry when they break up with her boyfriend? but it does not happen to men ( some may cry). The answer is because women deal with feelings but men use logics.
To this extent, I agree with him but not all the time that woman is the one who is crying. What happened if the woman herself is the one who asks for break up?
who is going to cry? man , woman or no one?
Further, not all the time, women use feelings to deal with problems, sometimes we use logics


yingks said...

I feel that to generalize that women=feelings and men=logic is unfair. I'd say that men have their part of feeelings; they just tend to supress it. Women tend to show their feelings.

Really, I don't see any problem with men crying:)

Joey said...

men hardly show when they cry coz in general view a perception is constructed that guys are tough n do not cry while gals can do it anytime they want and anywhere...hahha.. gals rocks!

KUTTI said...

YK, Men do cry, but they logically use it to tactfully get the advantage of their feelings. Yes, men can not show feelings for business reasons.