Saturday, March 12, 2005


i have read an article in, it says that ' virgo's personality is recognised as being organized,industrious and intelligent. Any kind of activities which is not well planned and not systematic irritates them. Virgo is the type of where they analyzed everything before and after the result, therefore they are perfectionist. They appear to be secure but actaully they are a great worrier. Their personality is quiet,dignified and often proud. Dislike any show of emotion in public and people who are demonstartive in that fashion often puts virgoans off. Virgoans tend to be look as old fashioned,conservative and shy.Personality development is just as important as wealth, and when they work, the do it with fervor and stop only after a perfect shape is achieve.

It is idifficult for them to spend time in a useless way, relaxation has different meaning for them than the average.When it comes to relationships thingy-the sense of duty is very high-when you shoulder a responsibility they seldom let others down......."

Can all those horoscope things be believe? in some certain points, it is true but we cannot 100% believe in this things as people have their own style in which how they have been raised or grew up.Not only that sometimes people around us may influence our way of living.

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