Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Some times, people never appreciated what they do have until that 'appreciable thing/person' gone, then one will just realize how much has one miss that things/person. This may occur due to ego or even because one party thinks about other party the other way round than it supposed to be. Whenever, it/he/she is far away/gone, one will deeply miss it/him/her but when the things/person is around one will just act cool and pretend to be not excited and normal and the same things applicable to the things/person that has gone way in the sense they act cruelly and cool as well. I think it can be because one party thinks that it is normal to do so as nothing is going on/ if u treat me like that then i will treat u the same way or it may due to awkward feeling and there is nothing to talk abt. After all , i think the main big issue abt this things is ego en pretend dont know/nt close with each other. Some people are able to treat others very frenly even though they are strangers but some people are nt be able too. There are some people who can treat people warmly and nicely if they don see each other but when they meet that person may not be that warm and nice, not becos they are not frenly but becos they feel awkward and have nothing to say. But the real person is the one who can talk nicely en warmly without seeing each other. There are certain feeling that we can sense sometimes that people do not want to be close and frenly to us and taht may be one of the reasons of ppl acting so cool. Well, I do not knw wht I will do if I really lost my 'precious' thing/ person in my life soon. :) It can be good but it can be bad as well. Will i feel sad becos of that? the ans will be yes but will i cry for it? the ans will be not sure. SIGH......

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