Saturday, February 26, 2005

racist, justice, biased?

According to Andi Malarangeng, Indonesia should increase the price of fuel, no matter what, it is like 'a decision that should be made by a leader whether it is fully suported by the people or not, if it is not supported by the people then it will be bitter like medicine when you put it into your mouth but you will recover'
i like the analogy, it is a very good analogy
the reason given is because the government has subsided rp 60 millions for the fuel itself, he said that by subsidising the fuel, who use more of it, they are the one who get more subsidition, and in the advertisement that I saw in Indo is like they show that most upper class or middle class people are the one who use the fuel.However, they must not forget that a lot of working class people who are using it, such as nowadays there is a lot of public transportations which owned by working class people ( alot of sudako) in medan, especially in certain areas which causes traffic jammed as they stop whenever they like.

Further, what can i say is that , there is still a big gap / racism. for example like the police, if they see a motor rider is Indonesian without wearing helmet, they wont ask him/she to stop, but if they see a chinese, then dont expect them not to stop u, they wont give u any 'tilang' if u just give them money.
they think that chinese is rich so if they stop them, for sure the police will get money as sometimes also the chinese dont want to get into any trouble with them. on the other hand, the indonesian , some may give but some may not give, if they want to 'tilang' thenn just do it. or even they give, it only in a small amount.
What they see is that all chinese are rich and vice versa,but actually if we see properly, there is a lot of indonesian who are very rich.

If there is like these case, where do justice stand? not only that sometimes, head of the police itself who actaully are ............(better not to say it out)

Like what I said in the previous article that government has increased the price of fuel by 30% in the early of March without agreement/ consent from DPR( Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat). What DPR asked the government to give (audit harga pokok BBM) could not be produced. However, the government will audit the price of fuel for this year.

It seems that eventhough DPR exists to represent public in the government, but sometimes they also cannot do anything. It seems to exist because that is the way the system of government should be, since the government can increase the price without the consent, where does DPR actually stand?

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