Saturday, July 09, 2005


Milk, besides that it can be drink, milk can also be used for other things such as strengthen our hair, protect our skin etc. Milk which contains alot of calsium is good for diet too. Below are a few tips of the use of milk:
1. Strengthen our nails
Milk has a high calsium which can be used to strengthen our nails, it has latic acid. Put ur nails in warm milk for three minutes, wash and put lotion on it.
2. Strebgthen our hair
Put 4-5 teaspoons of milk in water, mix it and put it into our hairf, cover it with towel for less than three mins, then wash it.
3. Skin
Use cotton (put milk on it) on our face and wash it with warm water after a minute. for dry skin, it is better to use full cream milk. For normal skin, whole milk is recommended and oily skin, it is recommended to use non fat milk.
4. Soften our lips
5Soften our body

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