Hearing is one of our important basics in life, without it,one's is unable to listen to everyday's conversation,musics,etc.Further, the loss of hearing may cause one to feel rejected from society as he is unable to hear what others say.
Hearing loss or deafness is uasually caused by:
1.'damage that occurs in the womb such as mother developing rubella, toxoplasmosis or herpes during pregnancy.
2.mechanical problems such as tumour in the ear,accumulation of fluid in the middle ear, obstruction of the ear canal,perforated eardrum or overgrowth og the ossicles bones. Infections,damage to certain parts of the ear or certain diseases can also cause hearing loss'.
Working industries people have a high chances to get deafness as they are working in loud noises place.
As we grow old, the chances of getting deafness is higher.Deafness usually start at the age of 20.Moreover, alcohol,and tobacco may lead to deafness too.
A hearing aid is just help to preserve speech memories and the ability to understand speech.'speech' is based on memories and the longer a person does not hear speech,the. it is to replace the ability to understand .(star article in hering loss, sun 11 jul 04)
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