Saturday, April 09, 2005


A word/words can be mean as a word alone or it has alot of definitions, as a result of it some human beings have abused the used of these words. These type of people are expert in twisting words/sentences,phrases that they have just said. On the other hand, there are a vice versa type of people who are not good in using words, so they are in a weak position as words or languages that we used play important parts in our life.

Former type of people know how to use their sentences properly so when they speak it out, the sentences used by them may not have innuendo behind it or others will easily believe on what these human beings say.
However, for the latter type, as they are not good in using languages or words, sometimes the other person who has a conversation with these kind of person, may think of the other way round as to what is the truly intention. Therefore, it can be said that in any business field, working environment or any other places, people who know how to use their language well, may find it not difficult to adapt with the situations or the people around them but it will be difficult for those who are not. the used of sentences play an important role in our life

Friday, April 01, 2005

The effect of Stubbornness

A person can be considered as stubborn when he/she is determined to do what he/she wants to do and refused to do anything else or to do other things which he/she thinks that he/she may not need to do it. To me, almost everybody in this world are stubborn, it is only depended on the level or to what extent is him/her stubbornness. Some people are so stubborn till they do not believe in what other people say until he/she proves it by him/herself or untill there are evidences to prove that the things should be like that.

On the other hand, there are some people who are not that stubborn. I am not saying that stubborn is bad nor it is good. It is depended on the situation and the level of the stubbornness.

Some types of stubbornness may bring good but some are not. If a person is too stubborn, it only bring/ do nothing good or even worse. The reason why I said like that because that was what happened to me as a result of my stubbornness.

It happened on last Tuesday. Previously, my friend (i think you know who you are) had told me that the format for company law's presentation first question was like that, errrr lets say A style, but I did not believe him, I kept arguing with him as my interpretation to the question and his interpretation to the question was totally different. I did not follow his style, I kept doing it on my own style, lets called it B style.

Not till last Tuesday, when i re read my question again and after I heard from another friend that the format supposed to be A style, at that time i was just panicked and at that time i just believe him that the answer supposed to be A style. At that time i just regreted on how stubborn i was. The effect of it was FORTUNATELY, i needed to stay up late and re did all my answer (luckily i chose question one) and continuely did that till the next day. However, finally i managed to get it done and i have promised myself that next time never ever be so stubborn and do last minute work, unless if there is no choice.
an experience